EUFAMI speaks about the importance of patient access to treatments that improve Quality of Life and functioning
Meet with your national policy-makers and tell them what they can do to help people affected by Schizophrenia:
People living with schizophrenia encounter numerous challenges, including, decline in functioning which reduces their quality of life as well as their ability to live the life they aspire to. Due to reduced functioning, simple daily activities such catching a bus, seeing friends, living independently can become an enormous challenge that not only affects the person living with schizophrenia, but also their caregivers emotionally and financially.
Therefore, this year, in the context of the World Schizophrenia Day, EUFAMI invites you to advocate for:
- INVOLVE patient and caregiver groups to give patients a voice when developing programmes and assessing new treatments
- EDUCATE people living with schizophrenia and their informal caregivers about treatment options, so they can play an active role in decisions that affect them and society at large
- SUPPORT access to new treatments that may improve functioning and quality of life, including when these treatments are being assessed